Manufacturers & Distributors selling to other businesses have very unique and specific needs when it comes to search. With complex part numbers, pricing, customer contracts, and product configurations, serving up the right data to your end users can become very challenging.
Bravo can ensure that your most complex pricing rules and scenarios are incorporated into search.
Bravo can ensure that your most complex pricing rules and scenarios are incorporated into search.
Bravo will allow your customers to find the perfect part, using filters that make sense for your products and industry.
Customers that can find critical information make fewer customer service calls. Make it easy to find manuals, installation guides, video tutorials, and other helpful content.
Customers can educate themselves and get comfortable with your brand's information using video
Search results will be based on the user's authentication and permissions for not only what they get access to and see, but also pricing
BravoSquared will automatically assign your content to your products.
Bravo will provide you with all the tools you need to ensure that searches are producing the most relevant results that matter to your customers.
Bravo "Pinning" will allow you to decide what individual results will show up at the top for any individual search terms.
Bravo will allow your customers to find the perfect part, using filters that make sense for your products and industry..