As a Sales Rep or Customer Service Representative, you know that having the right information at the right time is critical to closing a sale or serving your customers well. With this goal in mind, the Bravo team has worked with several customers to drive search across the organization to make presentations, videos, and other content searchable to those who need it.
Whether it’s a sales rep firing off a pdf of sales collateral to a prospect, or a Customer Service Rep looking up product specs to help a customer, the information must be able to be found.
Bravo will provide tools that allow marketers to sell products on the search page by determining what searches end up on top.
Auto-suggest can deliver product results, category results, brand results, virtually any content to the auto-suggest.
Bravo will allow your customers to find the perfect part, using filters that make sense for your products and industry.
Customers that can find critical information make fewer customer service calls. Make it easy to find manuals, installation guides, video tutorials, and other helpful content.
Customers can educate themselves and get comfortable with your brand's information using video
Bravo will provide you with all the tools you need to ensure that searches are producing the most relevant results that matter to your customers.
BravoSquared will automatically assign your content to your products.
Bravo uses advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence to learn what content should be applied within a given taxonomy and do this without manual intervention.
Search results will be based on the user's authentication and permissions for not only what they get access to and see, but also pricing
Bravo will allow your customers to find the perfect part, using filters that make sense for your products and industry..
A great search is easier than you think. We make it happen.