Index Objects

On this screen you have a list of the current indexes that are in the bravo system, this includes both the data indexes as well as the metrics indexes for each of those instances.

Creating a new index you are presented with the dialog that matches to the outline of the originating index:

  • Index Machine Name - this is the name that is passed to the backing store on the application.
  • Friendly Name - this is the clients name for the index it's used only for display.
  • Server - This is the elastic cluster that the index is assigned to.
  • Index Type - Indicates if the index is a production instance or a metrics index.

Index Permissions

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The index permissions page is setup

Account Permissions

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This screen allows for the association of the indexes to accounts.

Search Servers

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BravoSearch supports the ability to include other server clusters for the purposes of segregating customer data should the need arise. This screen tracks the default instance of the elastic cluster as well as other information about the structure and operation of that cluster.


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Users in the system represent the individual account that should be logging into the system, information is audited and tracked to this level to make sure that modifications to personnel can continue without the modification of the system.  Permissions to access all of the functions within the application are also controlled at the user level.  This allows for the individual interaction of the application in a way that is both secure and operational.


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Accounts are the top most interaction level for the application. Indexes and users are children of the accounts, and all access to indexes in the system require access to an account.